Foods For Healthy Hair

Foods For Healthy Hair

Aside from the Omega 3 fatty acids that are vital for synthesizing the fat soluble vitamins your hair needs, salmon contains another priceless nutrient for your hair: zinc. The benefits of zinc apply to a
wide variety of hair problems such as dandruff, hair loss or hair thinning. Zinc can also be found naturally in food sources such as: soy products, nuts, egg yolks, yeast or pumpkin seeds but the zinc absorption is different compared to salmon. Wild salmon is a superior choice when it comes to the health of our hair due to the fact that the zinc contained in meat sources is absorbed in a higher
percentage compared to the zinc contained in non meat sources.

Low fat dairy products
Yogurt,milk or low fat cheese should definitely be part of your healthy hair diet. Source of calcium and low fat dairy products are among the best choices
you can make if you are interested in having strong,healthy locks.When choosing low fat dairy products keep an eye on the sugar
content of the product you are about to purchase. Make sure that the fat was not substituted with sugar to keep the taste intact because otherwise you won't get the same benefits. Don't forget that your locks need moisturizing from and make sure that you drink enough water every day to keep your tresses in the best possible condition. Also make sure that you stay away from crash diets which can negatively affect your tresses and might even lead to hair loss if the diet is particularly drastic