Pineapple Health Benefits

Pineapple Health Benefits

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Pineapples are super-sweet and delicious and they're also a great source of vitamin C that your body needs for normal growth and maintenance of most of the tissues of your body, including collagen, which is needed for healthy connective tissue and wrinkle-free skin. Vitamin C also helps your bones and teeth stay strong.

One cup of pineapple chunks has about 80 milligrams of vitamin C, which is just about all you need for one whole day. It's also a good source of potassium and magnesium (which are good for your heart), and an important B-complex vitamin Called folate, and fiber, which is essential for a healthy digestive system.

One cup of pineapple chunks has about 80 caloriesa perfect way to enjoy something sweet without ruining your weight loss diet.

Serve fresh raw pineapple slices as a snack or as a dessert. Pineapple also makes a tasty addition to tropical fruit smoothies.